The Hungry Ghost Month may be around the corner but that does not mean you should leave everything to chance. Here are the tried and tested ways to expel negative energy and invite good ones.
By Khalil Adis
Have you ever stepped into a home and get a creepy and uneasy feeling that you are being watched?
That was exactly how I felt when I once stayed at a friend's place many years ago. This ghost story happened to me sometime in 2009 when I was covering the Malaysian property market and trying to save on hotel costs. Located in Sentul, I recall his apartment looked rather run down. I also remember that it was surrounded by many temples and crematoriums. Although I felt uneasy, I decided to take on his invitation. It turned out to be a decision I would regret. At close to midnight, I kept hearing noises of furniture being dragged in the hall. I did not think much about this as I thought my friend was busy cleaning. Then at 3 am, during my sleep, I was attacked by an entity that looked like a black mist. I could not move and was paralysed by fear. When I eventually managed to break free, I immediately packed my bags and then stayed up till the break of dawn before leaving the house. I subsequently texted my friend that I had left, thanked him for his hospitality and related to him about what had happened. To my horror, he replied that he was not at home. To cut the story short, I have since exercised precaution especially when I am travelling. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, there are some remedies that you can apply to remove negative energy from your home. This is especially so if the house has been vacant for some time. #1: Spring clean your home
Regardless of your faith, it is a good idea to conduct a cleansing prayer before moving into your home.
This is especially so if your house had been vacant for some time or if you had bought a home with a particular history (such as a scene of a violent crime). A cleansing prayer sets the intention that you are now the rightful owner of the property and to expel any unwanted negative energy. A regular cleaning schedule should also follow to remove dust to keep your home spick and span. By regularly cleaning your home, it will help to keep the energy in your home clean, positive and uplifted. #2: Ensure plenty of natural light and ventilation
I recall interviewing Singapore's well-known ghostbuster and this was among his sage advice.
According to him, a home that has plenty of natural light and ventilation attracts good energy while repelling dark ones. So keep your windows open to let fresh air and sunshine in. Avoid buying a home that is not exposed to sunlight as they attract dark energy.â â#3: Declutter
Hoarding is becoming particularly prevalent in Singapore among the elderly, particularly those living in small HDB flats.
Hoarding is a mental disorder that not only negatively impacts the hoarderâs immediate family memberâs quality of life but it makes their home dark and depressing. Besides, it attracts pests and poses as fire hazards. If you have too many things at home, then it is time to declutter. Not only does decluttering makes your home look instantly liveable, but it also helps to break up accumulated energy. So throw away things that you no longer need to invite fresh energy to your home. #4: Throw away dead plants
If you have plants at home or regularly buy fresh flowers, be sure to throw away those that are already dead.
This is because such plants negatively impact your environment while preventing fresh, new, energy from coming in. If you really must have plants, then consider low maintenance plants like money tree. #5: Smudging
Smudging involves the burning of herbs to remove negative energy and to clear the energy field.
Also referred to as space clearing, smudging is usually done before moving to a new home, after a gathering or after a particularly negative event at home such as an argument. White sage works best and is very popular. Click here for a range of Space clearing smudge sticks
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